
1、很喜欢的一句话:“与其降低你的开支,不如去尝试增加你的收入。这就是努力的理由”。 Favorite phrase: "instead of lowering your spending, try increasing your income.That's the reason for the effort.

2、Smile and stop complaining about the things you can't change.Time keeps ticking whether you're happy or sad.-----保持微笑,停止抱怨那些改变不了的事。无论你开心与否,时间总是不等人的。

3、Sometimes you just need to stop for a while and look around at all the beautiful things in your life.——有时候,你得停一下脚步,想一想自己生活中拥有的所有美好的东西。

4、I don't exist to impress the world.I exist to live my life in a way that will make me happy.-----我活着不是为了取悦这个世界,而是为了用我自己的生活方式来取悦自己。

5、It's better to try hard to love yourself more than to wait someone to love you.-----等着别人来爱你,不如自己努力爱自己。

6、You know my name, not my story.You've heard what I've done, not what I've been through.------你知道我的名字,却不了解我的故事。你听说过我做过的事,但却不了解我所经历的一切。

7、Can forgive, can not care, can give up, can be forgotten, but you can not don't love myself.可以原谅,可以不在乎,可以放弃,可以遗忘,但是你不可以不爱自己。

8、我一生最奢侈的事 就是途中与你相遇 然后相濡以沫 共闻花香The most extravagant thing in my life Is to meet with you on the way Then a total of each other to smell the flowers。

9、有些人注定是会相爱的,但却并不是注定能在一起。 Some people are meant to fall in love with each other.But not meant to be together.

10、When you are free from desire, you will be happy, because you will never be disappointed.-----当你没有欲望,你就会快乐,因为你永不会失望。

11、每个嘴里说不想恋爱的人,心里都装着一个无法拥有的人。 everyone of the people who says she or he does'n want to be in love.There must be someone without possibility in their hearts.